Диагностика кодов неисправностей двигателя н4м | ваз | руководство ваз
Принятые сокращения:
ABS: антиблокировочная тормозная система
AC: кондиционер
AFS: послепродажное обслуживание
AS: система подачи воздуха
CAN: шина обмена данными
CB: сгорание
CC: круиз-контроль
CCSL: круиз-контроль / ограничитель скорости
CO2: химический символ диоксида углерода
DC: ездовой цикл
DED: диагностики досье пользователя
deg C: градусов по Цельсию
DID: идентификатор данных
DTC: данные кода неисправности
ECM: Модуль управления двигателем
ECU: Блок управления электронный
EEPROM: электрическое репрограммируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство
EGR: рециркуляция отработавших газов
EOBD: европейская система бортовой диагностики
ESP: электронная программа стабилизации
ETC: электронный компонент дросселя
ЕV: электроклапан
HC: химический символ несгоревшего топлива
HP: высокое давление
IMV: впускной дозирующий клапан (= VCV)
IT: на входе / потребление дросселя
lokal ID: локальный идентификатор
LSB: последний значащий бит
MAF: массовый расход воздуха
MAP: давление воздуха в коллекторе
MAX: максимальная
MIL: лампа индикации неисправности
MIN: минимальный
MSB: старший бит
NOK: не в порядке
NOx: химический символ оксида азота
NRC: не перезаписываемый код
O2: химический символ для кислорода
OC: разомкнутая цепь
OWE: оценка износа масла
PWM: режим широтно-импульсной
RAM: оперативное запоминающее устройство
RPM: вращение в минуту
RR: регулирование холостого хода
SC: короткое замыкание
SCB: короткое замыкание на напряжение аккумулятора
SCG: короткое замыкание на землю
SCW: короткое замыкание на источник питания
SL: ограничитель скорости
SM: скорость управление
TDC: верхняя мертвая точка
TQ: крутящий момент
Vdiag: диагностики номер версии для послепродажного обслуживания
Verlog: иммобилайзер
VF: функции автомобиля
VIN: идентификационный номер транспортного средства
VVT: газораспределение
Коды неисправностей двигателя Н4М
P0010 – Электромагнитный клапан впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0011 – Функция управления впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0016 – Положение распределительного вала – корреляция впускного распределительного положения
P0105 – Датчик абсолютного давления
P0106 – Функция абсолютного давления
P0115 -Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
P0120 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
P0130 – Управляющий датчик кислорода
P0133 – УДК медленный отклик в цепи
P0135 – Нагреватель УДК
P0136 – Диагностический датчик кислорода
P0140 – ДДК активность цепи
P0141 – Нагреватель ДДК
P0170 – Топливо
P0201 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 1
P0202 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 2
P0203 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 3
P0204 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 4
P0217 – Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
P0220 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки – трек 2
P0225 – Датчик положения педали акселератора – трек 1
P0226 – Датчик положения педали акселератора
P025A – Модуль цепи управления бензонасосом
P0300 – Обнаружены случайные / множественные пропуски воспламенения
P0301 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 1
P0302 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 2
P0303 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 3
P0304 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 4
P0313 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – отключена топливоподача
P0315 – Система положения коленчатого вала вариатора не обучена
P0325 – Датчик детонации
P0335 – Датчик положения коленчатого вала
P0010 – Электромагнитный клапан впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
0010h |
Intake Camshaft Variable Valve Timing Solenoid Valve |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
Key on AND battery voltage between 10V and 16V |
11h |
Key on AND battery voltage between 10V and 16V AND command OFF (PWM Command of inlet VVT < C_VVTPWM_DIAG_MAX_SCG) |
12h |
Key on AND battery voltage between10V and 16V |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Open Circuit |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Short Circuit to Ground |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Short Circuit to Bat-tery |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2007 – Oil temperature – engine |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2030 – Intake camshaft phaser position setpoint |
$2031 – Intake camshaft phaser position |
$2033 – Intake camshaft phaser PWM command |
P0011 – Функция управления впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0016 – Положение распределительного вала – корреляция впускного распределительного положения
0016h |
Camshaft Position – Intake Camshaft Position Correlation |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
62h |
Two (or More) Input Parameters compared for Plausibil-ity |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
62h |
Engine running AND engine speed < C_N_32_MAX_DIAG_REF_CRK_CAM AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
62h |
Camshaft reference position is outside of the designed range (relative to the engine position from crankshaft) |
< 1s |
< 1s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Camshaft/crankshaft synchronization state |
$2022 – Crankshaft synchronization state |
$2031 – Intake camshaft phaser position |
$2162 – Counter of loose of crankshaft synchronization |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
P0105 – Датчик абсолютного давления
0105h |
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
APC AND DTC 0641h not present |
16h |
APC AND DTC 0641h not present |
29h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Manifold pressure sensor volt-age signal > 4,975585938 V |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
16h |
Manifold pressure sensor volt-age signal < 0,04898071289 V |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
29h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2401 – Boost pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$24D7 – Manifold pressure value from model |
$24E1 – Manifold pressure from sensor |
$FD81 – Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage |
P0106 – Функция абсолютного давления
0106h |
Manifold Absolute Pressure Function |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Sbx_cf |
1Ch |
Voltage Outside the Expected Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
Engine speed > 700 rpm AND DTC 0641h, 060Ah, 061Ah, 0560h, 0606h, 2100h, 0638h NOT present AND (DTC 0106h present OR DTC 095h, 0115h, 0651h, 0443h NOT present) |
1Ch |
Stopped engine: DTC 0651h not present Running engine: Engine speed > 700 rpm AND DTC 0641h, 060Ah, 061Ah, 0560h, 0606h, 2100h, 0638h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Abnormal manifold pressure value (compared to modelized value) |
2000 ms |
5140 ms |
1Ch |
Stopped engine: Manifold pressure NOT between 500 hPa & 20000 hPa Running engine: (Manifold pressure < 125 hPa AND Inlet throttle relative position > 10 wu) OR (Manifold pressure > Cxx_sens_map_run_h_thd AND Inlet throttle relative position < 10 wu) |
< 2s |
< 2s |
400 ms |
11 min |
11 min |
11 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$24D7 – Manifold pressure value from model |
$FD81 – Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage |
P0115 –Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
0115h |
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
2Fh |
Signal momentarily Implausible or Discontinuous |
Vbx_clf |
86h |
Circuit Quantity Not Plausible given to Operating Con-ditions |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
16h |
2Fh |
No DTC present linked to coolant temperature sensor |
86h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Coolant temperature sensor voltage signal > 4,9609375 V |
1000 ms |
4000 ms |
16h |
coolant temperature sensor volt-age signal < 0,05859375 V |
1000 ms |
4000 ms |
2Fh |
Abnormal coolant temperature gradient |
8000 ms |
80000 ms |
86h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Engine status |
$204A – Motor-fans requests |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$2C04 – Current gear engaged |
$2022 – Engine status |
P0120 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
0120h |
Intake Throttle Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
Unplausible IT sensor 1 position |
190 ms |
4680 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2415 – Throttle valve position – track 1 |
$2416 – Throttle valve position – track 2 |
P0130 – Управляющий датчик кислорода
0130h |
O2 Sensor – Upstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
93h |
Component Not Operating |
96h |
Component Indicating a Failure |
98h |
Temperature too High |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
Vehicle speed > 0 km/h AND Coolant temp > 50 °C AND engine running time > 630 s AND 1500 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND no variation of engine speed AND no DTC present |
13h |
Engine autonomous AND Upstream lambda sensor is hot AND Upstream lambda sensor output voltage between 1395 mV & 1870 mV |
11h |
Engine autonomous AND Upstream lambda sensor is hot AND No Injection cut |
12h |
[Engine running AND DTC 0135h not present AND Sensor Hot] during 7 s |
93h |
96h |
98h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Abnormal duration of min pe-riod duration of lambda sensor |
20000 ms |
20000 ms |
13h |
Activation conditions true dur-ing 0,2 s |
5000 ms |
20 ms |
11h |
Upstream lambda sensor out-put voltage < 20 mV |
10000 ms |
20 ms |
12h |
Upstream lambda sensor out-put voltage > 1870 mV |
10 ms |
20 ms |
93h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
96h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
98h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244B – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
P0133 – УДК медленный отклик в цепи
0133h |
O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
Time after engine start > 630 s AND 20 kg/h < mass air flow < 150 kg/h AND 1200 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND vehicle speed > 30 km/h AND en-gine coolant temperature > 80 °C AND Richness double loop activated AND No sensor failure (regarding enable conditions) present |
16h |
Time after engine start > 630 s AND 20 kg/h < mass air flow < 150 kg/h AND 1200 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND vehicle speed > 30 km/h AND en-gine coolant temperature > 80 °C AND Richness double loop activated AND No sensor failure (regarding enable conditions) present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Signal amplitude lower than threshold wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
16h |
Signal amplitude lower than threshold wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$251D – Internal sensor temperature |
$251E – Raw UEGO Air Fuel ratio measurement |
P0135 – Нагреватель УДК
0135h |
O2 Sensor Heater – Upstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
92h |
Component Performance Outside its Expected Range |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
Key ON |
11h |
Key ON |
12h |
key on |
92h |
Time after engine start > 100 s AND Ambient temperature > -8 °C AND Exhaust gas temperature < 900 °C |
13h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
11h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[when engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output becomes ON] OR at key-on] |
12h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of open circuit |
0 ms |
0 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
0 ms |
0 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
0 ms |
0 ms |
92h |
Number of acquisition windows where the mean value of heater cur-rent is faulty = 3 wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
13h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0136 – Диагностический датчик кислорода
0136h |
O2 Sensor – Downstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
24h |
Signal remains High when Transitions are Expected |
23h |
Signal remains Low when Transitions are Expected |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
24h |
The abnormal voltage on the lean side diagnosis is done |
23h |
13h |
[Downstream sensor heating activated almost one time during the current driving cycle (engine running time > 5min at idle speed) AND engine autonomous AND DTC 0141h not present] during 5 s |
11h |
Engine running AND out of injection cut-off phase AND DTC 0105h, 0095h, 0115h not present |
12h |
[Engine running AND Accelerator pedal pressed AND DTC 0141h not present AND Downstream sensor heating activated and warmed up after 5min] AND during 5 s |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
24h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
23h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
13h |
Lambda sensor signal > 1300 mV after more than 10s of injection cut-off |
10 s |
10 s |
11h |
Rear Oxygen Sensor signal < 20 mV |
< 30s |
< 2s |
12h |
Rear Oxygen Sensor signal > 1870 mV |
< 2s |
< 2s |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244C – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
P0140 – ДДК активность цепи
0140h |
O2 Sensor Circuit Activity |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
The degradation response diagnosis is done |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$24C1 – Time expected to switch on the heating of the downstream sensor |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
$2022 – Engine status |
P0141 – Нагреватель ДДК
0141h |
O2 Sensor Heater – Downstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
92h |
Component Performance Outside its Expected Range |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
92h |
Coolant temperature > -7 °C |
13h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
11h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[when engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output becomes ON] OR at key-on] |
12h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
92h |
Number of acquisition windows where the mean value of heater current is faulty = 45 wu |
2 ms |
2 ms |
13h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244C – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$2506 – Progress in the heater strategy |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
P0170 – Топливо
0170h |
Fuel Trim |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
950 rpm < Engine speed < 6000 rpm AND engine running for more than 0 s AND no DTC present AND No blow-by detected AND Minimum fuel lamp not switched on |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Mean richness deviation exceed-ing threshold ( /- 17% of Rich-ness = 1, when coolant tempera-ture > 60 °C) |
60s |
60s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2872 – Corrective factor depending on exotic fuel quantity. For injection time |
$2873 – Corrected average ALFACL for memorized fuel system diagnostic |
$2874 – Misfire counter |
P0201 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 1
0201h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 1 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0202 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 2
0202h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 2 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0203 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 3
0203h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 3 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0204 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 4
0204h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 4 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0217 – Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
0217h |
Engine Coolant Temperature |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
98h |
Temperature too High |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
98h |
Key ON |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
98h |
Coolant temperature > 115 °C |
1000 ms |
1000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$204A – Motor-fans requests |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$2C04 – Current gear engaged |
P0220 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки – трек 2
0220h |
Intake Throttle Position Sensor – Track 2 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
Unplausible IT sensor 2 position (sensor 2 position >96 % Vsens OR sensor 2 position) |
190 ms |
4680 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2415 – Throttle valve position – track 1 |
$2416 – Throttle valve position – track 2 |
P0225 – Датчик положения педали акселератора – трек 1
0225h |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor – Track 1 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
DTC 0651h not present |
16h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
accelerator pedal sensor 1 output voltage > 0,964809384164222 Uref ratio AND DTC 0651h not present |
250 ms |
1000 ms |
16h |
accelerator pedal sensor 1 output voltage < 7,33137829912023E-02 Uref ratio AND DTC 0651h not present |
250 ms |
1000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$200B – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 1 |
$200C – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 2 |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2022 – Sensors supply voltage 2 |
$2023 – Sensors supply voltage 3 |
P0226 – Датчик положения педали акселератора
0226h |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Sbx_cf |
F1h |
Safety Case 1 |
Sbx_cf |
F2h |
Safety Case 2 |
Sbx_cf |
F3h |
Multiple Failure |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
[No accelerator pedal track 1 or 2 signal detected failure (high or low) AND no failure on acc. pedal track 1 or 2 power supply] OR DTC 0226h present |
F1h |
– accelerator pedal variation < 0,300097751710654 Uref ratio/s – accel pedal po-sition > 0,204301075268817 Uref ratio – vehicle speed > 0 km/h – no accelerator pedal detected failure, – no AYC, ASR or MSR current request if configuration bit is not set, – accelerator pedal sensor information not invalid. – engine speed > 608 rpm. – no braking setpoint from Adaptive Cruise Control system (only for applications with ACC) if configuration bit is not set. – brake pedal pressed |
F2h |
– accelerator pedal variation < 0,300097751710654 Uref ratio/s – accel pedal po-sition > 0,204301075268817 Uref ratio – vehicle speed > 0 km/h – no accelerator pedal detected failure, – no AYC, ASR or MSR current request if configuration bit is not set, – accelerator pedal sensor information not invalid. – engine speed > 608 rpm. – no braking setpoint from Adaptive Cruise Control system (only for applications with ACC) ifconfiguration bit is not set. – brake pedal pressed |
F3h |
Always |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Difference between accelerator pedal track 1 & 2 position > [6%..8%] Uref ratio |
400 ms |
1600 ms |
F1h |
No accelerator pedal position var-iation during at least cxx_acel_pdl_dly1 cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 AND brake pedal pressed during cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 |
1200 ms |
20 ms |
F2h |
No accelerator pedal position var-iation during at least cxx_acel_pdl_dly1 cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 AND brake pedal pressed during cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 |
30000 ms |
0 ms |
F3h |
[(DTC 2120h OR DTC 0641h) AND DTC 0226h] OR [(DTC 0225h OR DTC 0651h) AND DTC 0226h] OR [(DTC 2120 OR 0641h) AND (DTC 0225h OR DTC 0651h)] |
250 ms |
10000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$200B – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 1 |
$200C – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 2 |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2022 – Sensors supply voltage 2 |
$2036 – Counter of inconsistencies between accelerator pedal and brake |
P025A – Модуль цепи управления бензонасосом
025Ah |
Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
11h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
12h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of Open Circuit |
< 2s |
< 2s |
11h |
1000 ms |
3000 ms |
12h |
< 2s |
< 2s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2889 – Raw fuel pressure from sensor |
$2887 – PWM of fuel pump actuator |
$288A – Default type sent by PCU |
P0300 – Обнаружены случайные / множественные пропуски воспламенения
0300h |
Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque diminutions BUT no cylinder identified |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution BUT no cylinder identified |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0301 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 1
0301h |
Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 1 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 1 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0302 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 2
0302h |
Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 2 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 2 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
Читайте также: Фото концептуального универсала Лада Веста Кросс (кузов, багажник) » Лада.Онлайн
P0303 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 3
0303h |
Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 3 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 3 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0304 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 4
0304h |
Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 4 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 4 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0313 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – отключена топливоподача
0313h |
Misfire Detected with Low Fuel |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on one or more cylinders with low fuel level in tank |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on one or more cylinders with low fuel level in tank |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0315 – Система положения коленчатого вала вариатора не обучена
0315h |
Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
After injection cut-off between 3000 Rpm & 3500 Rpm, during 100 TDC (for crankshaft position system variation learning) |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Abnormal value for crankshaft tar-get variation learning |
100 TDC |
100 TDC |
Specific Snapshot |
$2156 – TLZ – Last achieved adaptive value |
$215D – TLZ – TLZ adaptive correction |
P0325 – Датчик детонации
0325h |
Knock Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
1Ch |
Voltage Outside the Expected Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
1Ch |
Engine running AND Coolant temperature > 120 °C AND Mass Airflow > 223 mg/stk AND engine speed > 1504 RPM |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
1Ch |
Abnormal Knock sensor signal (too low) |
2600 ms |
2600 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2847 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 1 |
$2848 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 2 |
$2849 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 3 |
$284A – Knock counter detection – cylinder 4 |
$284D – Mean knock noise |
P0335 – Датчик положения коленчатого вала
0335h |
Crankshaft Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Vbx_clf |
62h |
Two (or More) Input Parameters compared for Plausibility |
Vbx_clf |
38h |
Incorrect Number of Cycles in a Given Time Period |
Vbx_clf |
31h |
Signal Not Detected |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
62h |
Engine speed > C_N_32_MAX_DIAG_CRK_TOOTH AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
38h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to crankshaft or camshaft sensors |
31h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Reference gap not detected at cor-rect position /- > 2 teeth |
< 1s |
< 1s |
62h |
Abnormal number of teeth per crankshaft revolution, until /- 2 teeth |
< 1s |
< 1s |
38h |
Noisy crankshaft signal |
< 1s |
< 1s |
31h |
Crankshaft sensor signal is missing |
< 1s |
at next driving cycle |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2022 – Camshaft/crankshaft synchronization state |
$2022 – Crankshaft synchronization state |
$2161 – Crankshaft signal |
$2162 – Counter of loose of crankshaft synchronization |
Принятые сокращения:
ABS: антиблокировочная тормозная система
AC: кондиционер
AFS: послепродажное обслуживание
AS: система подачи воздуха
CAN: шина обмена данными
CB: сгорание
CC: круиз-контроль
CCSL: круиз-контроль / ограничитель скорости
CO2: химический символ диоксида углерода
DC: ездовой цикл
DED: диагностики досье пользователя
deg C: градусов по Цельсию
DID: идентификатор данных
DTC: данные кода неисправности
ECM: Модуль управления двигателем
ECU: Блок управления электронный
EEPROM: электрическое репрограммируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство
EGR: рециркуляция отработавших газов
EOBD: европейская система бортовой диагностики
ESP: электронная программа стабилизации
ETC: электронный компонент дросселя
ЕV: электроклапан
HC: химический символ несгоревшего топлива
HP: высокое давление
IMV: впускной дозирующий клапан (= VCV)
IT: на входе / потребление дросселя
lokal ID: локальный идентификатор
LSB: последний значащий бит
MAF: массовый расход воздуха
MAP: давление воздуха в коллекторе
MAX: максимальная
MIL: лампа индикации неисправности
MIN: минимальный
MSB: старший бит
NOK: не в порядке
NOx: химический символ оксида азота
NRC: не перезаписываемый код
O2: химический символ для кислорода
OC: разомкнутая цепь
OWE: оценка износа масла
PWM: режим широтно-импульсной
RAM: оперативное запоминающее устройство
RPM: вращение в минуту
RR: регулирование холостого хода
SC: короткое замыкание
SCB: короткое замыкание на напряжение аккумулятора
SCG: короткое замыкание на землю
SCW: короткое замыкание на источник питания
SL: ограничитель скорости
SM: скорость управление
TDC: верхняя мертвая точка
TQ: крутящий момент
Vdiag: диагностики номер версии для послепродажного обслуживания
Verlog: иммобилайзер
VF: функции автомобиля
VIN: идентификационный номер транспортного средства
VVT: газораспределение
Коды неисправностей двигателя Н4М
P0010 – Электромагнитный клапан впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0011 – Функция управления впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0016 – Положение распределительного вала – корреляция впускного распределительного положения
P0105 – Датчик абсолютного давления
P0106 – Функция абсолютного давления
P0115 -Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
P0120 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
P0130 – Управляющий датчик кислорода
P0133 – УДК медленный отклик в цепи
P0135 – Нагреватель УДК
P0136 – Диагностический датчик кислорода
P0140 – ДДК активность цепи
P0141 – Нагреватель ДДК
P0170 – Топливо
P0201 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 1
P0202 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 2
P0203 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 3
P0204 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 4
P0217 – Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
P0220 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки – трек 2
P0225 – Датчик положения педали акселератора – трек 1
P0226 – Датчик положения педали акселератора
P025A – Модуль цепи управления бензонасосом
P0300 – Обнаружены случайные / множественные пропуски воспламенения
P0301 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 1
P0302 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 2
P0303 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 3
P0304 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 4
P0313 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – отключена топливоподача
P0315 – Система положения коленчатого вала вариатора не обучена
P0325 – Датчик детонации
P0335 – Датчик положения коленчатого вала
P0010 – Электромагнитный клапан впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
0010h |
Intake Camshaft Variable Valve Timing Solenoid Valve |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
Key on AND battery voltage between 10V and 16V |
11h |
Key on AND battery voltage between 10V and 16V AND command OFF (PWM Command of inlet VVT < C_VVTPWM_DIAG_MAX_SCG) |
12h |
Key on AND battery voltage between10V and 16V |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Open Circuit |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Short Circuit to Ground |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Short Circuit to Bat-tery |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2007 – Oil temperature – engine |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2030 – Intake camshaft phaser position setpoint |
$2031 – Intake camshaft phaser position |
$2033 – Intake camshaft phaser PWM command |
P0011 – Функция управления впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0016 – Положение распределительного вала – корреляция впускного распределительного положения
0016h |
Camshaft Position – Intake Camshaft Position Correlation |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
62h |
Two (or More) Input Parameters compared for Plausibil-ity |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
62h |
Engine running AND engine speed < C_N_32_MAX_DIAG_REF_CRK_CAM AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
62h |
Camshaft reference position is outside of the designed range (relative to the engine position from crankshaft) |
< 1s |
< 1s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Camshaft/crankshaft synchronization state |
$2022 – Crankshaft synchronization state |
$2031 – Intake camshaft phaser position |
$2162 – Counter of loose of crankshaft synchronization |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
P0105 – Датчик абсолютного давления
0105h |
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
APC AND DTC 0641h not present |
16h |
APC AND DTC 0641h not present |
29h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Manifold pressure sensor volt-age signal > 4,975585938 V |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
16h |
Manifold pressure sensor volt-age signal < 0,04898071289 V |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
29h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2401 – Boost pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$24D7 – Manifold pressure value from model |
$24E1 – Manifold pressure from sensor |
$FD81 – Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage |
P0106 – Функция абсолютного давления
0106h |
Manifold Absolute Pressure Function |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Sbx_cf |
1Ch |
Voltage Outside the Expected Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
Engine speed > 700 rpm AND DTC 0641h, 060Ah, 061Ah, 0560h, 0606h, 2100h, 0638h NOT present AND (DTC 0106h present OR DTC 095h, 0115h, 0651h, 0443h NOT present) |
1Ch |
Stopped engine: DTC 0651h not present Running engine: Engine speed > 700 rpm AND DTC 0641h, 060Ah, 061Ah, 0560h, 0606h, 2100h, 0638h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Abnormal manifold pressure value (compared to modelized value) |
2000 ms |
5140 ms |
1Ch |
Stopped engine: Manifold pressure NOT between 500 hPa & 20000 hPa Running engine: (Manifold pressure < 125 hPa AND Inlet throttle relative position > 10 wu) OR (Manifold pressure > Cxx_sens_map_run_h_thd AND Inlet throttle relative position < 10 wu) |
< 2s |
< 2s |
400 ms |
11 min |
11 min |
11 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$24D7 – Manifold pressure value from model |
$FD81 – Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage |
P0115 –Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
0115h |
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
2Fh |
Signal momentarily Implausible or Discontinuous |
Vbx_clf |
86h |
Circuit Quantity Not Plausible given to Operating Con-ditions |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
16h |
2Fh |
No DTC present linked to coolant temperature sensor |
86h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Coolant temperature sensor voltage signal > 4,9609375 V |
1000 ms |
4000 ms |
16h |
coolant temperature sensor volt-age signal < 0,05859375 V |
1000 ms |
4000 ms |
2Fh |
Abnormal coolant temperature gradient |
8000 ms |
80000 ms |
86h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Engine status |
$204A – Motor-fans requests |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$2C04 – Current gear engaged |
$2022 – Engine status |
P0120 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
0120h |
Intake Throttle Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
Unplausible IT sensor 1 position |
190 ms |
4680 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2415 – Throttle valve position – track 1 |
$2416 – Throttle valve position – track 2 |
P0130 – Управляющий датчик кислорода
0130h |
O2 Sensor – Upstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
93h |
Component Not Operating |
96h |
Component Indicating a Failure |
98h |
Temperature too High |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
Vehicle speed > 0 km/h AND Coolant temp > 50 °C AND engine running time > 630 s AND 1500 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND no variation of engine speed AND no DTC present |
13h |
Engine autonomous AND Upstream lambda sensor is hot AND Upstream lambda sensor output voltage between 1395 mV & 1870 mV |
11h |
Engine autonomous AND Upstream lambda sensor is hot AND No Injection cut |
12h |
[Engine running AND DTC 0135h not present AND Sensor Hot] during 7 s |
93h |
96h |
98h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Abnormal duration of min pe-riod duration of lambda sensor |
20000 ms |
20000 ms |
13h |
Activation conditions true dur-ing 0,2 s |
5000 ms |
20 ms |
11h |
Upstream lambda sensor out-put voltage < 20 mV |
10000 ms |
20 ms |
12h |
Upstream lambda sensor out-put voltage > 1870 mV |
10 ms |
20 ms |
93h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
96h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
98h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244B – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
P0133 – УДК медленный отклик в цепи
0133h |
O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
Time after engine start > 630 s AND 20 kg/h < mass air flow < 150 kg/h AND 1200 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND vehicle speed > 30 km/h AND en-gine coolant temperature > 80 °C AND Richness double loop activated AND No sensor failure (regarding enable conditions) present |
16h |
Time after engine start > 630 s AND 20 kg/h < mass air flow < 150 kg/h AND 1200 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND vehicle speed > 30 km/h AND en-gine coolant temperature > 80 °C AND Richness double loop activated AND No sensor failure (regarding enable conditions) present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Signal amplitude lower than threshold wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
16h |
Signal amplitude lower than threshold wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$251D – Internal sensor temperature |
$251E – Raw UEGO Air Fuel ratio measurement |
P0135 – Нагреватель УДК
0135h |
O2 Sensor Heater – Upstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
92h |
Component Performance Outside its Expected Range |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
Key ON |
11h |
Key ON |
12h |
key on |
92h |
Time after engine start > 100 s AND Ambient temperature > -8 °C AND Exhaust gas temperature < 900 °C |
13h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
11h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[when engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output becomes ON] OR at key-on] |
12h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of open circuit |
0 ms |
0 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
0 ms |
0 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
0 ms |
0 ms |
92h |
Number of acquisition windows where the mean value of heater cur-rent is faulty = 3 wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
13h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0136 – Диагностический датчик кислорода
0136h |
O2 Sensor – Downstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
24h |
Signal remains High when Transitions are Expected |
23h |
Signal remains Low when Transitions are Expected |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
24h |
The abnormal voltage on the lean side diagnosis is done |
23h |
13h |
[Downstream sensor heating activated almost one time during the current driving cycle (engine running time > 5min at idle speed) AND engine autonomous AND DTC 0141h not present] during 5 s |
11h |
Engine running AND out of injection cut-off phase AND DTC 0105h, 0095h, 0115h not present |
12h |
[Engine running AND Accelerator pedal pressed AND DTC 0141h not present AND Downstream sensor heating activated and warmed up after 5min] AND during 5 s |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
24h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
23h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
13h |
Lambda sensor signal > 1300 mV after more than 10s of injection cut-off |
10 s |
10 s |
11h |
Rear Oxygen Sensor signal < 20 mV |
< 30s |
< 2s |
12h |
Rear Oxygen Sensor signal > 1870 mV |
< 2s |
< 2s |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244C – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
P0140 – ДДК активность цепи
0140h |
O2 Sensor Circuit Activity |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
The degradation response diagnosis is done |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$24C1 – Time expected to switch on the heating of the downstream sensor |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
$2022 – Engine status |
P0141 – Нагреватель ДДК
0141h |
O2 Sensor Heater – Downstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
92h |
Component Performance Outside its Expected Range |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
92h |
Coolant temperature > -7 °C |
13h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
11h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[when engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output becomes ON] OR at key-on] |
12h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
92h |
Number of acquisition windows where the mean value of heater current is faulty = 45 wu |
2 ms |
2 ms |
13h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244C – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$2506 – Progress in the heater strategy |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
P0170 – Топливо
0170h |
Fuel Trim |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
950 rpm < Engine speed < 6000 rpm AND engine running for more than 0 s AND no DTC present AND No blow-by detected AND Minimum fuel lamp not switched on |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Mean richness deviation exceed-ing threshold ( /- 17% of Rich-ness = 1, when coolant tempera-ture > 60 °C) |
60s |
60s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2872 – Corrective factor depending on exotic fuel quantity. For injection time |
$2873 – Corrected average ALFACL for memorized fuel system diagnostic |
$2874 – Misfire counter |
P0201 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 1
0201h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 1 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0202 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 2
0202h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 2 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0203 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 3
0203h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 3 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0204 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 4
0204h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 4 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0217 – Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
0217h |
Engine Coolant Temperature |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
98h |
Temperature too High |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
98h |
Key ON |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
98h |
Coolant temperature > 115 °C |
1000 ms |
1000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$204A – Motor-fans requests |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$2C04 – Current gear engaged |
P0220 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки – трек 2
0220h |
Intake Throttle Position Sensor – Track 2 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
Unplausible IT sensor 2 position (sensor 2 position >96 % Vsens OR sensor 2 position) |
190 ms |
4680 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2415 – Throttle valve position – track 1 |
$2416 – Throttle valve position – track 2 |
P0225 – Датчик положения педали акселератора – трек 1
0225h |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor – Track 1 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
DTC 0651h not present |
16h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
accelerator pedal sensor 1 output voltage > 0,964809384164222 Uref ratio AND DTC 0651h not present |
250 ms |
1000 ms |
16h |
accelerator pedal sensor 1 output voltage < 7,33137829912023E-02 Uref ratio AND DTC 0651h not present |
250 ms |
1000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$200B – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 1 |
$200C – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 2 |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2022 – Sensors supply voltage 2 |
$2023 – Sensors supply voltage 3 |
P0226 – Датчик положения педали акселератора
0226h |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Sbx_cf |
F1h |
Safety Case 1 |
Sbx_cf |
F2h |
Safety Case 2 |
Sbx_cf |
F3h |
Multiple Failure |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
[No accelerator pedal track 1 or 2 signal detected failure (high or low) AND no failure on acc. pedal track 1 or 2 power supply] OR DTC 0226h present |
F1h |
– accelerator pedal variation < 0,300097751710654 Uref ratio/s – accel pedal po-sition > 0,204301075268817 Uref ratio – vehicle speed > 0 km/h – no accelerator pedal detected failure, – no AYC, ASR or MSR current request if configuration bit is not set, – accelerator pedal sensor information not invalid. – engine speed > 608 rpm. – no braking setpoint from Adaptive Cruise Control system (only for applications with ACC) if configuration bit is not set. – brake pedal pressed |
F2h |
– accelerator pedal variation < 0,300097751710654 Uref ratio/s – accel pedal po-sition > 0,204301075268817 Uref ratio – vehicle speed > 0 km/h – no accelerator pedal detected failure, – no AYC, ASR or MSR current request if configuration bit is not set, – accelerator pedal sensor information not invalid. – engine speed > 608 rpm. – no braking setpoint from Adaptive Cruise Control system (only for applications with ACC) ifconfiguration bit is not set. – brake pedal pressed |
F3h |
Always |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Difference between accelerator pedal track 1 & 2 position > [6%..8%] Uref ratio |
400 ms |
1600 ms |
F1h |
No accelerator pedal position var-iation during at least cxx_acel_pdl_dly1 cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 AND brake pedal pressed during cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 |
1200 ms |
20 ms |
F2h |
No accelerator pedal position var-iation during at least cxx_acel_pdl_dly1 cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 AND brake pedal pressed during cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 |
30000 ms |
0 ms |
F3h |
[(DTC 2120h OR DTC 0641h) AND DTC 0226h] OR [(DTC 0225h OR DTC 0651h) AND DTC 0226h] OR [(DTC 2120 OR 0641h) AND (DTC 0225h OR DTC 0651h)] |
250 ms |
10000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$200B – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 1 |
$200C – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 2 |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2022 – Sensors supply voltage 2 |
$2036 – Counter of inconsistencies between accelerator pedal and brake |
Читайте также: Как заменить трансмиссионное масло в механической кпп на Ладе Веста
P025A – Модуль цепи управления бензонасосом
025Ah |
Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
11h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
12h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of Open Circuit |
< 2s |
< 2s |
11h |
1000 ms |
3000 ms |
12h |
< 2s |
< 2s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2889 – Raw fuel pressure from sensor |
$2887 – PWM of fuel pump actuator |
$288A – Default type sent by PCU |
P0300 – Обнаружены случайные / множественные пропуски воспламенения
0300h |
Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque diminutions BUT no cylinder identified |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution BUT no cylinder identified |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0301 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 1
0301h |
Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 1 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 1 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0302 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 2
0302h |
Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 2 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 2 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0303 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 3
0303h |
Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 3 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 3 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0304 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 4
0304h |
Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 4 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 4 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0313 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – отключена топливоподача
0313h |
Misfire Detected with Low Fuel |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on one or more cylinders with low fuel level in tank |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on one or more cylinders with low fuel level in tank |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0315 – Система положения коленчатого вала вариатора не обучена
0315h |
Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
After injection cut-off between 3000 Rpm & 3500 Rpm, during 100 TDC (for crankshaft position system variation learning) |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Abnormal value for crankshaft tar-get variation learning |
100 TDC |
100 TDC |
Specific Snapshot |
$2156 – TLZ – Last achieved adaptive value |
$215D – TLZ – TLZ adaptive correction |
P0325 – Датчик детонации
0325h |
Knock Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
1Ch |
Voltage Outside the Expected Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
1Ch |
Engine running AND Coolant temperature > 120 °C AND Mass Airflow > 223 mg/stk AND engine speed > 1504 RPM |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
1Ch |
Abnormal Knock sensor signal (too low) |
2600 ms |
2600 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2847 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 1 |
$2848 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 2 |
$2849 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 3 |
$284A – Knock counter detection – cylinder 4 |
$284D – Mean knock noise |
P0335 – Датчик положения коленчатого вала
0335h |
Crankshaft Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Vbx_clf |
62h |
Two (or More) Input Parameters compared for Plausibility |
Vbx_clf |
38h |
Incorrect Number of Cycles in a Given Time Period |
Vbx_clf |
31h |
Signal Not Detected |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
62h |
Engine speed > C_N_32_MAX_DIAG_CRK_TOOTH AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
38h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to crankshaft or camshaft sensors |
31h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Reference gap not detected at cor-rect position /- > 2 teeth |
< 1s |
< 1s |
62h |
Abnormal number of teeth per crankshaft revolution, until /- 2 teeth |
< 1s |
< 1s |
38h |
Noisy crankshaft signal |
< 1s |
< 1s |
31h |
Crankshaft sensor signal is missing |
< 1s |
at next driving cycle |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2022 – Camshaft/crankshaft synchronization state |
$2022 – Crankshaft synchronization state |
$2161 – Crankshaft signal |
$2162 – Counter of loose of crankshaft synchronization |
Принятые сокращения:
ABS: антиблокировочная тормозная система
AC: кондиционер
AFS: послепродажное обслуживание
AS: система подачи воздуха
CAN: шина обмена данными
CB: сгорание
CC: круиз-контроль
CCSL: круиз-контроль / ограничитель скорости
CO2: химический символ диоксида углерода
DC: ездовой цикл
DED: диагностики досье пользователя
deg C: градусов по Цельсию
DID: идентификатор данных
DTC: данные кода неисправности
ECM: Модуль управления двигателем
ECU: Блок управления электронный
EEPROM: электрическое репрограммируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство
EGR: рециркуляция отработавших газов
EOBD: европейская система бортовой диагностики
ESP: электронная программа стабилизации
ETC: электронный компонент дросселя
ЕV: электроклапан
HC: химический символ несгоревшего топлива
HP: высокое давление
IMV: впускной дозирующий клапан (= VCV)
IT: на входе / потребление дросселя
lokal ID: локальный идентификатор
LSB: последний значащий бит
MAF: массовый расход воздуха
MAP: давление воздуха в коллекторе
MAX: максимальная
MIL: лампа индикации неисправности
MIN: минимальный
MSB: старший бит
NOK: не в порядке
NOx: химический символ оксида азота
NRC: не перезаписываемый код
O2: химический символ для кислорода
OC: разомкнутая цепь
OWE: оценка износа масла
PWM: режим широтно-импульсной
RAM: оперативное запоминающее устройство
RPM: вращение в минуту
RR: регулирование холостого хода
SC: короткое замыкание
SCB: короткое замыкание на напряжение аккумулятора
SCG: короткое замыкание на землю
SCW: короткое замыкание на источник питания
SL: ограничитель скорости
SM: скорость управление
TDC: верхняя мертвая точка
TQ: крутящий момент
Vdiag: диагностики номер версии для послепродажного обслуживания
Verlog: иммобилайзер
VF: функции автомобиля
VIN: идентификационный номер транспортного средства
VVT: газораспределение
Коды неисправностей двигателя Н4М
P0010 – Электромагнитный клапан впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0011 – Функция управления впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0016 – Положение распределительного вала – корреляция впускного распределительного положения
P0105 – Датчик абсолютного давления
P0106 – Функция абсолютного давления
P0115 -Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
P0120 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
P0130 – Управляющий датчик кислорода
P0133 – УДК медленный отклик в цепи
P0135 – Нагреватель УДК
P0136 – Диагностический датчик кислорода
P0140 – ДДК активность цепи
P0141 – Нагреватель ДДК
P0170 – Топливо
P0201 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 1
P0202 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 2
P0203 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 3
P0204 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 4
P0217 – Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
P0220 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки – трек 2
P0225 – Датчик положения педали акселератора – трек 1
P0226 – Датчик положения педали акселератора
P025A – Модуль цепи управления бензонасосом
P0300 – Обнаружены случайные / множественные пропуски воспламенения
P0301 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 1
P0302 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 2
P0303 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 3
P0304 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 4
P0313 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – отключена топливоподача
P0315 – Система положения коленчатого вала вариатора не обучена
P0325 – Датчик детонации
P0335 – Датчик положения коленчатого вала
P0010 – Электромагнитный клапан впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
0010h |
Intake Camshaft Variable Valve Timing Solenoid Valve |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
Key on AND battery voltage between 10V and 16V |
11h |
Key on AND battery voltage between 10V and 16V AND command OFF (PWM Command of inlet VVT < C_VVTPWM_DIAG_MAX_SCG) |
12h |
Key on AND battery voltage between10V and 16V |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Open Circuit |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Short Circuit to Ground |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection of VVT command Short Circuit to Bat-tery |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2007 – Oil temperature – engine |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2030 – Intake camshaft phaser position setpoint |
$2031 – Intake camshaft phaser position |
$2033 – Intake camshaft phaser PWM command |
P0011 – Функция управления впускного распределительного изменения фаз газораспределения
P0016 – Положение распределительного вала – корреляция впускного распределительного положения
0016h |
Camshaft Position – Intake Camshaft Position Correlation |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
62h |
Two (or More) Input Parameters compared for Plausibil-ity |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
62h |
Engine running AND engine speed < C_N_32_MAX_DIAG_REF_CRK_CAM AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
62h |
Camshaft reference position is outside of the designed range (relative to the engine position from crankshaft) |
< 1s |
< 1s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Camshaft/crankshaft synchronization state |
$2022 – Crankshaft synchronization state |
$2031 – Intake camshaft phaser position |
$2162 – Counter of loose of crankshaft synchronization |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
P0105 – Датчик абсолютного давления
0105h |
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
APC AND DTC 0641h not present |
16h |
APC AND DTC 0641h not present |
29h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Manifold pressure sensor volt-age signal > 4,975585938 V |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
16h |
Manifold pressure sensor volt-age signal < 0,04898071289 V |
1000 ms |
2000 ms |
29h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2401 – Boost pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$24D7 – Manifold pressure value from model |
$24E1 – Manifold pressure from sensor |
$FD81 – Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage |
P0106 – Функция абсолютного давления
0106h |
Manifold Absolute Pressure Function |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Sbx_cf |
1Ch |
Voltage Outside the Expected Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
Engine speed > 700 rpm AND DTC 0641h, 060Ah, 061Ah, 0560h, 0606h, 2100h, 0638h NOT present AND (DTC 0106h present OR DTC 095h, 0115h, 0651h, 0443h NOT present) |
1Ch |
Stopped engine: DTC 0651h not present Running engine: Engine speed > 700 rpm AND DTC 0641h, 060Ah, 061Ah, 0560h, 0606h, 2100h, 0638h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Abnormal manifold pressure value (compared to modelized value) |
2000 ms |
5140 ms |
1Ch |
Stopped engine: Manifold pressure NOT between 500 hPa & 20000 hPa Running engine: (Manifold pressure < 125 hPa AND Inlet throttle relative position > 10 wu) OR (Manifold pressure > Cxx_sens_map_run_h_thd AND Inlet throttle relative position < 10 wu) |
< 2s |
< 2s |
400 ms |
11 min |
11 min |
11 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$24D7 – Manifold pressure value from model |
$FD81 – Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage |
P0115 –Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
0115h |
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
2Fh |
Signal momentarily Implausible or Discontinuous |
Vbx_clf |
86h |
Circuit Quantity Not Plausible given to Operating Con-ditions |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
16h |
2Fh |
No DTC present linked to coolant temperature sensor |
86h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Coolant temperature sensor voltage signal > 4,9609375 V |
1000 ms |
4000 ms |
16h |
coolant temperature sensor volt-age signal < 0,05859375 V |
1000 ms |
4000 ms |
2Fh |
Abnormal coolant temperature gradient |
8000 ms |
80000 ms |
86h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Engine status |
$204A – Motor-fans requests |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$2C04 – Current gear engaged |
$2022 – Engine status |
P0120 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
0120h |
Intake Throttle Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
Unplausible IT sensor 1 position |
190 ms |
4680 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2415 – Throttle valve position – track 1 |
$2416 – Throttle valve position – track 2 |
P0130 – Управляющий датчик кислорода
0130h |
O2 Sensor – Upstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
93h |
Component Not Operating |
96h |
Component Indicating a Failure |
98h |
Temperature too High |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
Vehicle speed > 0 km/h AND Coolant temp > 50 °C AND engine running time > 630 s AND 1500 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND no variation of engine speed AND no DTC present |
13h |
Engine autonomous AND Upstream lambda sensor is hot AND Upstream lambda sensor output voltage between 1395 mV & 1870 mV |
11h |
Engine autonomous AND Upstream lambda sensor is hot AND No Injection cut |
12h |
[Engine running AND DTC 0135h not present AND Sensor Hot] during 7 s |
93h |
96h |
98h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Abnormal duration of min pe-riod duration of lambda sensor |
20000 ms |
20000 ms |
13h |
Activation conditions true dur-ing 0,2 s |
5000 ms |
20 ms |
11h |
Upstream lambda sensor out-put voltage < 20 mV |
10000 ms |
20 ms |
12h |
Upstream lambda sensor out-put voltage > 1870 mV |
10 ms |
20 ms |
93h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
96h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
98h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244B – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
P0133 – УДК медленный отклик в цепи
0133h |
O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
Time after engine start > 630 s AND 20 kg/h < mass air flow < 150 kg/h AND 1200 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND vehicle speed > 30 km/h AND en-gine coolant temperature > 80 °C AND Richness double loop activated AND No sensor failure (regarding enable conditions) present |
16h |
Time after engine start > 630 s AND 20 kg/h < mass air flow < 150 kg/h AND 1200 rpm < engine speed < 4000 rpm AND vehicle speed > 30 km/h AND en-gine coolant temperature > 80 °C AND Richness double loop activated AND No sensor failure (regarding enable conditions) present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
Signal amplitude lower than threshold wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
16h |
Signal amplitude lower than threshold wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$251D – Internal sensor temperature |
$251E – Raw UEGO Air Fuel ratio measurement |
P0135 – Нагреватель УДК
0135h |
O2 Sensor Heater – Upstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
92h |
Component Performance Outside its Expected Range |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
Key ON |
11h |
Key ON |
12h |
key on |
92h |
Time after engine start > 100 s AND Ambient temperature > -8 °C AND Exhaust gas temperature < 900 °C |
13h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
11h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[when engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output becomes ON] OR at key-on] |
12h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of open circuit |
0 ms |
0 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
0 ms |
0 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
0 ms |
0 ms |
92h |
Number of acquisition windows where the mean value of heater cur-rent is faulty = 3 wu |
0 ms |
0 ms |
13h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
4000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0136 – Диагностический датчик кислорода
0136h |
O2 Sensor – Downstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
24h |
Signal remains High when Transitions are Expected |
23h |
Signal remains Low when Transitions are Expected |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
24h |
The abnormal voltage on the lean side diagnosis is done |
23h |
13h |
[Downstream sensor heating activated almost one time during the current driving cycle (engine running time > 5min at idle speed) AND engine autonomous AND DTC 0141h not present] during 5 s |
11h |
Engine running AND out of injection cut-off phase AND DTC 0105h, 0095h, 0115h not present |
12h |
[Engine running AND Accelerator pedal pressed AND DTC 0141h not present AND Downstream sensor heating activated and warmed up after 5min] AND during 5 s |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
24h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
23h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
13h |
Lambda sensor signal > 1300 mV after more than 10s of injection cut-off |
10 s |
10 s |
11h |
Rear Oxygen Sensor signal < 20 mV |
< 30s |
< 2s |
12h |
Rear Oxygen Sensor signal > 1870 mV |
< 2s |
< 2s |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$2422 – Amount of air pumped into cylinder |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244C – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
P0140 – ДДК активность цепи
0140h |
O2 Sensor Circuit Activity |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
The degradation response diagnosis is done |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
0 ms |
0 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$24C1 – Time expected to switch on the heating of the downstream sensor |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
$2022 – Engine status |
P0141 – Нагреватель ДДК
0141h |
O2 Sensor Heater – Downstream |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
92h |
Component Performance Outside its Expected Range |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Sbx_cf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Sbx_cf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
92h |
Coolant temperature > -7 °C |
13h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
11h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[when engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output becomes ON] OR at key-on] |
12h |
10V < battery voltage < 16V AND [[engine autonomous AND O2 sensor heater output is ON] OR at key-on] |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
92h |
Number of acquisition windows where the mean value of heater current is faulty = 45 wu |
2 ms |
2 ms |
13h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
2000 ms |
2000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$240B – Intake manifold pressure |
$244A – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$244C – Catalyst exhaust gas downstream oxygen resistance heater PWM command |
$2506 – Progress in the heater strategy |
$284E – Richness regulation status |
Читайте также: Регулировка сцепления лада веста мкпп
P0170 – Топливо
0170h |
Fuel Trim |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
950 rpm < Engine speed < 6000 rpm AND engine running for more than 0 s AND no DTC present AND No blow-by detected AND Minimum fuel lamp not switched on |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Mean richness deviation exceed-ing threshold ( /- 17% of Rich-ness = 1, when coolant tempera-ture > 60 °C) |
60s |
60s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2449 – Catalyst exhaust gas upstream oxygen sensor voltage |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2872 – Corrective factor depending on exotic fuel quantity. For injection time |
$2873 – Corrected average ALFACL for memorized fuel system diagnostic |
$2874 – Misfire counter |
P0201 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 1
0201h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 1 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0202 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 2
0202h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 2 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0203 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 3
0203h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 3 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0204 – Цепь форсунки – цилиндр 4
0204h |
Injector Circuit – Cylinder 4 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
Vbx_clf |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
Vbx_clf |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
11h |
12h |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
11h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
12h |
Hardware detection |
< 1500ms |
< 2500ms |
Specific Snapshot |
P0217 – Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
0217h |
Engine Coolant Temperature |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
98h |
Temperature too High |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
98h |
Key ON |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
98h |
Coolant temperature > 115 °C |
1000 ms |
1000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$204A – Motor-fans requests |
$243F – Intake manifold temperature |
$2C04 – Current gear engaged |
P0220 – Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки – трек 2
0220h |
Intake Throttle Position Sensor – Track 2 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
29h |
Signal Not Plausible |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
29h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
29h |
Unplausible IT sensor 2 position (sensor 2 position >96 % Vsens OR sensor 2 position) |
190 ms |
4680 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2415 – Throttle valve position – track 1 |
$2416 – Throttle valve position – track 2 |
P0225 – Датчик положения педали акселератора – трек 1
0225h |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor – Track 1 |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
17h |
Voltage Above a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
16h |
Voltage Below a Specified Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
17h |
DTC 0651h not present |
16h |
DTC 0651h not present |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
17h |
accelerator pedal sensor 1 output voltage > 0,964809384164222 Uref ratio AND DTC 0651h not present |
250 ms |
1000 ms |
16h |
accelerator pedal sensor 1 output voltage < 7,33137829912023E-02 Uref ratio AND DTC 0651h not present |
250 ms |
1000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$200B – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 1 |
$200C – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 2 |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2022 – Sensors supply voltage 2 |
$2023 – Sensors supply voltage 3 |
P0226 – Датчик положения педали акселератора
0226h |
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Sbx_cf |
F1h |
Safety Case 1 |
Sbx_cf |
F2h |
Safety Case 2 |
Sbx_cf |
F3h |
Multiple Failure |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
[No accelerator pedal track 1 or 2 signal detected failure (high or low) AND no failure on acc. pedal track 1 or 2 power supply] OR DTC 0226h present |
F1h |
– accelerator pedal variation < 0,300097751710654 Uref ratio/s – accel pedal po-sition > 0,204301075268817 Uref ratio – vehicle speed > 0 km/h – no accelerator pedal detected failure, – no AYC, ASR or MSR current request if configuration bit is not set, – accelerator pedal sensor information not invalid. – engine speed > 608 rpm. – no braking setpoint from Adaptive Cruise Control system (only for applications with ACC) if configuration bit is not set. – brake pedal pressed |
F2h |
– accelerator pedal variation < 0,300097751710654 Uref ratio/s – accel pedal po-sition > 0,204301075268817 Uref ratio – vehicle speed > 0 km/h – no accelerator pedal detected failure, – no AYC, ASR or MSR current request if configuration bit is not set, – accelerator pedal sensor information not invalid. – engine speed > 608 rpm. – no braking setpoint from Adaptive Cruise Control system (only for applications with ACC) ifconfiguration bit is not set. – brake pedal pressed |
F3h |
Always |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Difference between accelerator pedal track 1 & 2 position > [6%..8%] Uref ratio |
400 ms |
1600 ms |
F1h |
No accelerator pedal position var-iation during at least cxx_acel_pdl_dly1 cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 AND brake pedal pressed during cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 |
1200 ms |
20 ms |
F2h |
No accelerator pedal position var-iation during at least cxx_acel_pdl_dly1 cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 AND brake pedal pressed during cxx_acel_pdl_dly2 |
30000 ms |
0 ms |
F3h |
[(DTC 2120h OR DTC 0641h) AND DTC 0226h] OR [(DTC 0225h OR DTC 0651h) AND DTC 0226h] OR [(DTC 2120 OR 0641h) AND (DTC 0225h OR DTC 0651h)] |
250 ms |
10000 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$200B – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 1 |
$200C – Accelerator pedal voltage – track 2 |
$2021 – Sensors supply voltage 1 |
$2022 – Sensors supply voltage 2 |
$2036 – Counter of inconsistencies between accelerator pedal and brake |
P025A – Модуль цепи управления бензонасосом
025Ah |
Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
13h |
Circuit Open |
11h |
Circuit Short to Ground |
12h |
Circuit Short to Battery |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
13h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
11h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
12h |
APC AND 6 < battery voltage < 12 |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
13h |
Hardware detection of Open Circuit |
< 2s |
< 2s |
11h |
1000 ms |
3000 ms |
12h |
< 2s |
< 2s |
Specific Snapshot |
$2889 – Raw fuel pressure from sensor |
$2887 – PWM of fuel pump actuator |
$288A – Default type sent by PCU |
P0300 – Обнаружены случайные / множественные пропуски воспламенения
0300h |
Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque diminutions BUT no cylinder identified |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution BUT no cylinder identified |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0301 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 1
0301h |
Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 1 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 1 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0302 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 2
0302h |
Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 2 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 2 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0303 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 3
0303h |
Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 3 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 3 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0304 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – цилиндр 4
0304h |
Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on cylinder 4 |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on cylinder 4 |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0313 – Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения – отключена топливоподача
0313h |
Misfire Detected with Low Fuel |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
F8h |
Catalyst Destructive |
Vbx_cf |
66h |
More Transitions than a Specified Number |
Vbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
F8h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
66h |
550 rpm < engine speed < 4500 rpm AND coolant temperature > -8 ºC AND no DTC present linked to injection system |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
F8h |
Abnormal number of torque dimi-nutions on one or more cylinders with low fuel level in tank |
20s |
20s |
66h |
Abnormal torque diminution on one or more cylinders with low fuel level in tank |
10 min |
10 min |
Specific Snapshot |
$281B – Fuel low level |
$2841 – Misfire counter – cylinder 1 |
$2842 – Misfire counter – cylinder 2 |
$2843 – Misfire counter – cylinder 3 |
$2844 – Misfire counter – cylinder 4 |
P0315 – Система положения коленчатого вала вариатора не обучена
0315h |
Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
09h |
No Component Specific SubType |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
09h |
After injection cut-off between 3000 Rpm & 3500 Rpm, during 100 TDC (for crankshaft position system variation learning) |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
09h |
Abnormal value for crankshaft tar-get variation learning |
100 TDC |
100 TDC |
Specific Snapshot |
$2156 – TLZ – Last achieved adaptive value |
$215D – TLZ – TLZ adaptive correction |
P0325 – Датчик детонации
0325h |
Knock Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
1Ch |
Voltage Outside the Expected Range |
Sbx_cf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
1Ch |
Engine running AND Coolant temperature > 120 °C AND Mass Airflow > 223 mg/stk AND engine speed > 1504 RPM |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
1Ch |
Abnormal Knock sensor signal (too low) |
2600 ms |
2600 ms |
Specific Snapshot |
$2847 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 1 |
$2848 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 2 |
$2849 – Knock counter detection – cylinder 3 |
$284A – Knock counter detection – cylinder 4 |
$284D – Mean knock noise |
P0335 – Датчик положения коленчатого вала
0335h |
Crankshaft Position Sensor |
Fault Type |
Description |
ABC Type |
64h |
Plausibility Failure |
Vbx_clf |
62h |
Two (or More) Input Parameters compared for Plausibility |
Vbx_clf |
38h |
Incorrect Number of Cycles in a Given Time Period |
Vbx_clf |
31h |
Signal Not Detected |
Vbx_clf |
Detection Conditions for Bit 4 (readiness) |
64h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
62h |
Engine speed > C_N_32_MAX_DIAG_CRK_TOOTH AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
38h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to crankshaft or camshaft sensors |
31h |
Engine running AND no DTC present linked to camshaft and crankshaft sensors |
Detection Conditions for Bit 0 (test failed) |
Detection timing |
Resorption Timing |
64h |
Reference gap not detected at cor-rect position /- > 2 teeth |
< 1s |
< 1s |
62h |
Abnormal number of teeth per crankshaft revolution, until /- 2 teeth |
< 1s |
< 1s |
38h |
Noisy crankshaft signal |
< 1s |
< 1s |
31h |
Crankshaft sensor signal is missing |
< 1s |
at next driving cycle |
Specific Snapshot |
$2022 – Engine status |
$2022 – Camshaft/crankshaft synchronization state |
$2022 – Crankshaft synchronization state |
$2161 – Crankshaft signal |
$2162 – Counter of loose of crankshaft synchronization |
Список ошибок двигателя
Р0030 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, проверка обрыва цепи нагревателяР0031 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, проверка КЗ цепи нагревателя на “землю“Р0032 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, проверка КЗ цепи нагревателя на бортсетьР0036 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, проверка обрыва цепи нагревателяР0037 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора,проверка КЗ цепи нагревателя на “землю“Р0038 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, проверка КЗ цепи нагревателя на бортсетьР0101 Датчик массового расхода воздуха, выход сигнала из допустимого диапазонаР0102 Датчик массового расхода воздуха, низкий уровень выходного сигналаР0106 Цепь датчика абсолютного давления во впускном коллекторе, выход сигнала из допустимого диапазонаР0107 Цепь датчика абсолютного давления во впускном коллекторе, низкий уровень сигналаР0108 Цепь датчика абсолютного давления во впускном коллекторе, высокий уровень сигналаР0103 Датчик массового расхода воздуха, высокий уровень выходного сигналаР0112 Датчик температуры впускного воздуха, низкий уровень выходного сигналаР0113 Датчик температуры впускного воздуха, высокий уровень выходного сигналаР0115 Неверный сигнал датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкостиР0116 Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости, выход сигнала из допустимого диапазонаР0117 Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости, низкий уровень выходного сигналаР0118 Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости, высокий уровень выходного сигналаР0122 Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки, низкий уровень выходного сигнала (датчик №1)Р0123 Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки, высокий уровень выходного сигнала (датчик №1)Р0130 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора неисправенР0131 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, низкий уровень выходного сигналаР0132 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, высокий уровень выходного сигналаР0133 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, медленный отклик на обогащение или обеднениеР0134 Датчик кислорода до нейтрализатора, обрыв цепи сигналаР0135 Датчика кислорода до нейтрализатора, нагреватель неисправенР0136 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, обрыв цепи сигналаР0137 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, низкий уровень сигналаР0138 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, высокий уровень сигналаР0140 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, обрыв цепи сигналаР0141 Датчика кислорода после нейтрализатора, нагреватель неисправенР0171 Система топливоподачи слишком беднаяР0172 Система топливоподачи слишком богатаяР0200 Цепь управления форсунками неисправнаР0201 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №1, обрывР0202 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №2, обрывР0203 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №3, обрывР0204 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №4, обрывР0217 Перегрев двигателя, температура двигателя выше порогового значенияР0222 Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки, низкий уровень выходного сигнала (датчик №2)Р0223 Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки, высокий уровень выходного сигнала (датчик №2)Р0261 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №1, замыкание на землюР0262 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №1, замыкание на 12ВР0264 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №2, замыкание на землюР0265 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №2, замыкание на 12ВР0267 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №3, замыкание на землюР0268 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №3, замыкание на 12ВР0270 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №4, замыкание на землюР0271 Цепь управления форсункой цилиндра №4, замыкание на 12ВР0300 Обнаружены случайные или множественные пропуски воспламененияР0301 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения в 1-ом цилиндреР0302 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения в 2-ом цилиндреР0303 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения в 3-ем цилиндреР0304 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения в 4-ом цилиндреР0325 Обрыв датчика детонацииР0326 Датчик детонации, сигнал выходит за допустимые пределыР0327 Датчик детонации, низкий уровень сигналаР0328 Датчик детонации, высокий уровень сигналаР0335 Датчик положения коленчатого вала, нет сигналаР0336 Датчик положения коленчатого вала, сигнал выходит за допустимые пределыР0337 Датчик положения коленчатого вала, замыкание цепи на массуР0338 Датчик положения коленчатого вала, обрыв цепиР0340 Датчик положения распределительного вала неисправен (Ошибка датчика фазы)Р0342 Датчик положения распределительного вала низкий уровень сигналаР0343 Датчик положения распределительного вала высокий уровень сигналаР0346 Цепь датчика фазы, некорректный сигналР0351 Катушка зажигания, проверка обрыва цепи, ток первичной цепи меньше порогового значенияР0352 Катушка зажигания, проверка обрыва цепи, ток первичной цепи меньше порогового значенияP0353 Катушка зажигания цилиндра 3, обрыв цепи управленияP0354 Катушка зажигания цилиндра 4, обрыв цепи управленияР0363 Обнаружены случайные или множественные пропуски воспламенения для защиты нейтрализатораР0422 Эффективность нейтрализатора ниже порогаР0441 Некорректный расход воздуха через клапанР0443 Управление клапаном продувки адсорбера неисправно Р0444 Клапан продувки адсорбера, проверка обрыва цепиР0445 Замыкание на землю цепи клапана продувки адсорбераР0458 Клапан продувки адсорбера, проверка КЗ цепи на “землю“Р0459 Клапан продувки адсорбера, проверка КЗ цепи на бортсетьР0480 Цепь управления реле вентилятора 1; обрыв, проверка обрыва цепиР0481 Цепь управления реле вентилятора 2; обрыв, проверка обрыва цепиР0485 Вентилятор охлаждения, проверка напряжения питанияР0500 Датчик скорости автомобиля, нет сигналаР0501 Ошибка датчика скорости автомобиляР0503 Датчик скорости автомобиля, перемежающийся сигналР0504 Датчик педали тормоза, сигналы датчика изменяются несогласованноР0505 Ошибка регулятора холостого ходаР0506 Регулятор холостого хода заблокирован, низкие оборотыР0507 Регулятор холостого хода заблокирован, высокие оборотыP0522 Цепь датчика давления масла, низкий уровень сигналаP0523 Цепь датчика давления масла, высокий уровень сигналаР0560 Бортовое напряжение ниже порога работоспособности системыР0562 Бортовое напряжение имеет низкий уровеньР0563 Бортовое напряжение имеет высокий уровеньР0601 Неисправность ПЗУ блока управленияР0603 Неисправность ОЗУ блока управленияР0604 Ошибка контрольной суммы внутреннего ОЗУ контроллераР0606 Контроллер, неисправно АЦПР0607 Неверный сигнал канала детонации контроллераР0615 Цепь управления реле стартера, обрывР0616 Цепь управления реле стартера, замыкание на массуР0617 Цепь управления реле стартера, замыкание на 12ВР0627 Реле бензонасоса, проверка обрыва цепиР0628 Реле бензонасоса, проверка КЗ цепи на “землю“Р0629 Реле бензонасоса, проверка КЗ цепи на бортсетьР0642 Шина питания датчиков, низкий уровень сигналаР0643 Шина питания датчиков, высокий уровень сигналаР0645 Реле муфты кондиционирования, проверка обрыва цепиР0646 Реле муфты кондиционирования, проверка КЗ цепи на “землю“Р0647 Реле муфты кондиционирования, проверка КЗ цепи на бортсетьP0660 Клапан управления длиной каналов системы впуска, обрыв цепиP0661 Клапан управления длиной каналов системы впуска, замыкание цепи на массуP0662 Клапан управления длиной каналов системы впуска, замыкание цепи бортовую сетьР0691 Цепь управления реле вентилятора 1; обрыв, проверка КЗ цепи на “землю“Р0692 Цепь управления реле вентилятора 1; обрыв, проверка КЗ цепи на бортсетьР0693 Цепь управления реле вентилятора 2; обрыв, проверка КЗ цепи на “землю“Р0694 Цепь управления реле вентилятора 2; обрыв, проверка КЗ цепи на бортсетьP0830 Выключатель педали сцепления, цепь неисправнаР1102 Низкое сопротивление нагревателя датчика кислородаР1115 Неисправная цепь управления нагревом датчика кислородаР1123 Аддитивная составляющая корр. по воздуху состава смеси превышает порог.
Состав “богатый”Р1124 Аддитивная составляющая корр. по воздуху состава смеси превышает порог. Состав “бедный”Р1127 Мультипликативн. составляющая коррекции состава смеси превышает порог. Состав “богатый”Р1128 Мультипликативн. составляющая коррекции состава смеси превышает порог.
Состав “бедный”Р1135 Неисправность цепи нагревателя датчика кислорода до нейтрализатораР1136 Аддитивная составляющая корр. по топливу превышает порог. Состав “богатый”Р1137 Аддитивная составляющая корр. по топливу превышает порог.
Состав “бедный”Р1140 Измеренная нагрузка отличается от расчетнойР1141 Неисправность цепи нагревателя датчика кислорода после нейтрализатораР1171 Низкий уровень сигнала с потенциометра коррекции СОР1172 Высокий уровень сигнала с потенциометра коррекции СОР1301 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения для защиты нейтрализатора в 1-ом цилиндреР1302 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения для защиты нейтрализатора во 2-ом цилиндреР1303 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения для защиты нейтрализатора в 3-ом цилиндреР1304 Обнаружены пропуски воспламенения для защиты нейтрализатора в 4-ом цилиндреР1335 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки, положение заслонки вне допустимого диапазонаР1336 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки, проверка рассогласования сигналов датчиков положения дроссельной заслонки, напряжения датчиков отличаются на величину порогаР1384 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки.
Момент двигателя вне допустимого диапазонаР1385 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки. Сигнал нагрузки двигателя вне допустимого диапазона.Р1386 Канал обнаружения детонации, ошибка внутреннего тестаР1387 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки.
Время впрыска вне допустимого диапазона.Р1388 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки, проверка положения педали акселератора, напряжения датчиков отличаются на величину порогаР1389 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки, обороты двигателя вне допустимого диапазонаР1390 Мониторинг управления приводом дроссельной заслонки, отсутствует реакция на неисправность в системеР1410 Цепь управления клапаном продувки адсорбера,замыкание на 12ВР1425 Цепь управления клапаном продувки адсорбера,замыкание на землюР1426 Цепь управления клапаном продувки адсорбера, обрывР1500 Обрыв цепи управления реле электробензонасосаР1501 Цепь управления реле бензонасоса, замыкание на землюР1502 Цепь управления реле бензонасоса, замыкание на 12ВР1509 Цепь управления регулятором холостого хода, перегрузкаР1513 Цепь управления регулятором холостого хода, замыкание на землюР1514 Цепь управления регулятором холостого хода, обрыв или замыкание на 12ВР1541 Цепь управления реле бензонасоса, обрывР1545 Привод дроссельной заслонки, отклонение действительного положения дроссельной заслонки от желаемого больше порогового значенияP1558 Привод дроссельной заслонки, возвратная пружина неисправнаP1559 Привод дроссельной заслонки, положение заслонки в состоянии покоя вне допустимого диапазонаР1570 Иммобилизатор, нет положительного ответа или обрыв цепиР1578 Привод дроссельной заслонки, значение адаптации вне допустимого диапазонаР1558 Привод дроссельной заслонки, время возврата заслонки в положение limp home выше порогового значенияР1559 Привод дроссельной заслонки, положение заслонки вне допустимого диапазонаР1600 Нет связи с иммобилизаторомР1602 Пропадание напряжения бортовой сетиР1603 Неисправность ЭСППЗУ блока управленияР1606 Датчик неровной дороги, неверный сигналР1612 Ошибка сброса процессораР1616 Датчик неровной дороги, низкий сигналР1617 Датчик неровной дороги, высокий сигналР1620 Неисправность ПЗУ блока управленияР1621 Неисправность ОЗУ блока управленияР1622 Неисправность ЭСППЗУ блока управленияР1640 Контроллер СУД, ошибка чтения-записи EEPROM-памятиР1689 Сбой функционирования памяти ошибокР2070 Клапан управления длиной каналов системы впуска, постоянно открытР2071 Клапан управления длиной каналов системы впуска, постоянно закрытР2100 Привод дроссельной заслонки, проверка обрыва цепиР2101 Электропривод дроссельной заслонки, цепь управления неисправнаР2102 Привод дроссельной заслонки, проверка КЗ цепи на “землю“Р2103 Привод дроссельной заслонки, проверка КЗ цепи на бортсетьР2105 Контроллер, неисправен модуль мониторингаР2122 Цепь датчика положения педали А, высокий уровень сигналаР2123 Цепь датчика положения педали А, высокий уровень сигналаР2127 Цепь датчика положения педали B, низкий уровень сигналаР2128 Цепь датчика положения педали B, высокий уровень сигналаР2187 Система топливоподачи слишком бедная (на холостом ходу)Р2188 Система топливоподачи слишком богатая (на холостом ходу)Р2135 Датчики “А”/“B” положения дроссельной заслонки, рассогласование сигналовР2138 Датчики “А”/“B” положения педали акселератора, рассогласование сигналовP2176 Система управления приводом дроссельной заслонки, адаптация положения нуля заслонки не выполненаР2178 Привод дроссельной заслонки, адаптации ни разу проведена не былаP2187 Система топливоподачи слишком бедная на холостом ходуP2188 Система топливоподачи слишком богатая на холостом ходуP2270 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, отсутствие отклика на обогащение смесиP2271 Датчик кислорода после нейтрализатора, отсутствие отклика на обеднение смесиР2301 Катушка зажигания цилиндра 1, замыкание цепи управления на бортовую сетьР2304 Катушка зажигания цилиндра 2, замыкание цепи управления на бортовую сетьР2307 Катушка зажигания цилиндра 3, замыкание цепи управления на бортовую сетьР2310 Катушка зажигания цилиндра 4, замыкание цепи управления на бортовую сетьP2500 Цепь управления возбуждением генератора (LT), низкий уровень сигналаP2501 Цепь управления возбуждением генератора (LT), высокий уровень сигнала
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